Me,myself and I

Hey guys😍
   It's been a while guys, like forever since I last posted ....I guess I've been really busy so I had no time to sit down and write. But now I have your time I'm sorry for keeping you in the dark with how my life has been going or even I'm pretty sure most of you all don't know my name🤔 well I understand it's my fault ,never really did introduce myself😵 ....okay👏 let's start all over my name is Miriam Charles😌 but that would be too nerdy🤓 would it so just call me miriam if it's to long you can call me RIA 😚. Anyway you call me it's fine by me . So I'm not really supposed to reveal much maybe gradually y'all would get to know me better. Sooooo I got an issue to talk about my school resumed a while ago and i met my friends and i was glad that  finally this crazy Corona virus😷 break was over, I have already missed enough of my fun from my sports(taekwondo)🥋 to my school work📘. So back to this issue I got to talk about it's about my best friend, we are getting really distant with each other and I'm trying to see the problem with us but I haven't made a conclusion yet maybe it's because we don't move with the same type of friends here is always too lively and lousy most times😵 it kinda irritates me🙁..while mine is kinda quiet and nice. Well I guess that's the problem whenever she's with them I always leave the scenerio because I don't like their entanglement but it's cool with us not like were querreling or anything but we don't just get along like we used to..
   Anyways I kinda have my other friends in my class that i hangout with and they seem to be very fun and interesting but still quiet you get what I mean?😂 or are you just confused😶. So I'm finally in my final year of high school and I think I'll soon be writing my exams..
 So my main point is what university would yall advise I course Is medicine and surgery  what do yall think?😊.


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